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About UMSAz Fund

We continue to adapt to new ways of teaching, new disciplines of study and new ways of learning. Your gift enriches the experience of all students by supporting efforts to recruit top faculty, expand academic programs and respond to the emerging needs of institution.

As the university continues to enhance it’s programs, your donations assist the institution in pursuing its mission that entails the acquiring of research and lab equipment, scholarships to support individuals that need financial assistance and campus expansion for new on-campus programs.  We ask that you consider partnering with the University of Medical Sciences Arizona in achieving its financial goals to support its endeavors. 

Various Donation Options

Student Scholarships

Research Equipment

Library Enhancement

Capital Projects

Student Services

Emergency Fund

Why give to UMSAz?

Student Scholarships

UMSAz provides a limited amount of scholarships for students that are dedicated to increasing the body of knowledge within their profession by performing research and publishing results. It is the goal of the institution to provide additional scholarships for students that have financial need and increase the number of awards for those who are dedicated to progressing their profession through research. We invite you to donate to the scholarship fund to support research scholars and those in financial need. Thank you for your support.

Research Equipment

The University of Medical Sciences Arizona is dedicated to participating and supporting research agendas that advances the delivery of healthcare pertaining to rehabilitation.  It is the commitment of UMSAz to enhance its research capacity to include technologic equipment that is designed to promote creative but revolutionary rehabilitative techniques designed to improve patients functional limitations.  It is through your support that UMSAz will be able to outfit its research center with groundbreaking technology.

Library Enhancement

The university continues to increase its library holdings.  It is the institution’s commitment to provide its students and faculty with a variety of scientific journals, e-books, and other holdings to encourage and support research agendas and other scholarly activity.  Please consider donating to UMSAz’s library fund.

Capital Projects

UMSAz has begun its capital campaign to raise funds for its physical expansion.  The institution shall increase its campus size to accommodate for new programs while continuing to support current programs.  The physical expansion will allow for new on campus programs and additional space for labs that support its current programs.  The additional space will house new equipment to support both labs and research endeavors.  Please consider donating to the capital campaign.  Thank you for your support!

Student Services

UMSAz is committed to its student and their success within their program.  Its student centered curricula is both rigorous and relevant.  As a result, the institution is determined to provide students with various services (e.g., Writing Center to support students in their scholarly writing) that will support them in their academic journey.  Please consider donating in the enhancement of UMSAz’s Student Services. 

Emergency Fund

UMSAz has decided that it is imperative for the university to grow its emergency fund to ensure it is prepared to support any natural disaster event, a pandemic or any other type of devastation that can have an impact on the institution.  Please consider supporting UMSAz in increasing its efforts of readiness for a time of crisis.

Become A Donor

Department Contact Info

Office Of Development

1001 Bishop St; Suite 1035
Honolulu, HI 96813-3481


Mon – Thu 7:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Fri 7:00A.M. – 11:00A.M.

Social Info

Video Presentation

Thank you for your kind donations and considerations!  It is because of your support that UMSAz continues to grow and produce graduates that are not only scholars but critical thinkers that address the healthcare needs of society.